Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Civil Twilight

Civil Twilight. How did I first hear of them? I wish I could say I heard their music on the radio, or went to a concert by chance and just fell in love (that would make a good story). But no, I heard of them through my boyfriend-- he insisted on playing his own music in the car, and I'm glad he did. Their music brings you in and is full of emotion, and there is definitely a song for everyone on their newest album "Story of an Immigrant." Three out of the four members are from Cape Town, South Africa, and while listening to the album, I realized none of them really left their roots behind, yet each song seems to have a wildly different taste. The sound comes from inspirations such as "older British bands like Radiohead, U2, The Verve. Some American grunge stuff like Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins. Also earlier music by Phil Collins and Peter Gabriel, Bruce Springsteen, and some local South African artists like Johnny Clegg." 

Anyone who has asked for new music recommendations from me recently have heard earfuls of Civil Twilight-- their album seems to state that they are here, and here to stay. Keep an eye out, because they are getting bigger, and stronger as they continue to grow and find their sound. 

Keep reading to see the interview I conducted over email with the band!

What genre of music do you consider your work to be? Who are your major influences?
We’d probably just say rock. And more specifically alternative rock, which is a rather broad category. 
Major influences are some older British bands like Radiohead, U2, The Verve. Some American grunge stuff like Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins. Also earlier music by Phil Collins and Peter Gabriel, Bruce Springsteen, and some local South African artists like Johnny Clegg.
How long have you all known each other? How did you meet?
We grew up in the same town in cape town south africa and met at school when we were really young. Obviously Andrew and Steve are brothers so they’ve known each other all Steve’s life. Andrew, Steve and Richard have known each other about 18 years, and Kevin has known everyone about 5 years. We met Kevin in Nashville after moving here 7 years ago. He was and still is a good friend and very talented musician and we’re very lucky he joined Civil Twilight!
When did you form your band? What inspired you to make music together? 
We first formed it in high school because we loved listening to music and wanted to play it and thought it would be cool to be in a band. We really just had fun playing together and writing songs.
Where have you performed? What are your favorite and least favorite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows/tours? 
We’ve performed all over the US, South Africa and the UK and Europe a little. South Africa is still one of our favorite places to play because we’re from there so it feels like a homecoming when we play shows there. We also love playing in NYC and Philadelphia, LA, Austin, San Francisco. Those are all good places to play. The 9:30 club inWashington DC is a fav venue, and the Bowery Ballroom in NYC too.
Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs? Do you think these topics will change over time? 
We all write but Steve writes most of the songs and Kevin some on his one too. We like to write about things that everyone can relate to, but mostly its about what moves us. we never sit down and say, “lets write a song about this”. Music has to be honest and must move you before it’ll move anyone else. In order for that to happen it has to come from your heart. The best songs write themselves, as they say. I think all song topics change as the writer changes, because the songs are a representation of who they are at that moment in time.
Could you briefly describe the music-making process?
We often just play together in a room and come up with ideas that way. Also, Steve or someone else may write on their own and then bring ideas to the group and rework them with the band.
How has your music evolved since you first began playing music together? 
It’s evolved as our tastes have changed. I think it’s less about raw energy and a little more about subtlety now. We definitely focus more on lyrics and and sonics than we used to and have developed a taste for certain things that are different from when we started. as with anything in life, you grow up and out of certain things.
What's your ultimate direction for your band? Are you seeking fame and fortune? 
We always try not to seek fame and fortune. The music has to come first otherwise there’s not much point. its not an easy business to be in and if you don’t love music it’s not very much fun. The love of music and people and connecting with people has to drive it. success is always nice and allows us to continue but its not the driving force.
Is there anyone you'd like to acknowledge for offering financial or emotional support? 
Yeah, our families, our parents, friends and church in Cape Town, LA, and Nashville. Our wives and girlfriends, our managers, agents, label. No one can do it on their own.
Any last words?
Thanks for taking the time to listen to and write about our music!

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