Tuesday, December 17, 2013

American Authors

The first artist I decided to write about is American Authors. I heard about them through a friend, whose cousin is in the band. I first heard them on Alt Nation a little while ago, and again I heard them play on Jay Leno. I bought their album recently after forgetting to for months, and the diverse sound and unique songs really caught my attention. The use of banjo got me going as well, as I've never really liked hearing the banjo in anything but country.

They have a very unique sound; alternative with a dash of folk and indie here and there. Even better, their songs are so catchy anyone will find themselves singing along! I bought their EP and while listening to it I realized the soundtrack is not only amazing, but the lyrics are well written and it seemed a lot of time and thought had been put in, giving the songs so much more depth and meaning.

Their new EP really shows how passionate they are about music and doing what they love. I honestly hope "Best Day of My Life" isn't the last I hear of them, the potential they have shouldn't go unnoticed!

I'll link all their sites and social media below as I definitely recommend giving them a listen. They've easily become one of my top ten bands, and I would love to know what you think!

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